Handla & Betala

Så här gör du för att handla & betala:

När du har sett ut ett lammskinn eller fårskinn du vill köpa klickar du på köp för att lägga det i Varukorgen.
Similarly, add additional skins to your cart.

Efter att du har lagt alla lammskinn du önskar köpa i varukorgen går du till kassan.
Check that all the products you wish to buy are in your shopping cart. If you want to change the quantity or remove a product, you can do so at checkout. If you want to add a product to your shopping cart, you look for it as usual and click on buy to update the shopping cart, and then click on to checkout again.
Select the payment method you wish to use. Read more about different payment methods & financing.

Fill in your address and personal data. Here, for certain payment methods, you can easily have your address information retrieved from the civil registry, once you have filled in your social security number, which is then automatically entered into the form. You also fill in the e-mail address and the phone number (preferably a mobile number) that you can easily be reached on.
When all the information is filled in correctly and you have ensured that you have put the right products in the shopping cart, you choose to confirm your order by clicking on Complete.
When you confirm your order, your payment is handled according to the terms of the payment method you have chosen and the delivery methods you wish.
You will receive an order confirmation email confirming that I have received your order.
You will also receive an email with a delivery confirmation when we pack and ship your package.
Please contact us for more details.